The World through my camera's eyes...
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Time stands still for no one, but for a camera it poses for eternity!!
I got hooked on photography years ago when I was pursuing a degree in Biology. My first pictures were a big disappointment. It was so easy to "burn" thru the film, I didn't spend any thought on the important things like focusing, lighting, and camera stability during the actual shutter release. I read volumes on the subject, and donated my money to the film and camera makers often. I got frustrated at times, I'd shoot a whole roll of film and get nothing I could be proud of. Things got better though, I started getting a few good shots , which led me to try harder.

Nature photography stirs one's soul...
This Red Shouldered Hawk photo was taken at Ding Darling National Wildlfe refuge. If I was to recommend a place to start taking wildlife photos, this would be on my list. Its accessable by a car and filled with wildlife at good working distances from you.

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Seeing the world thru different eyes!!!
Most people see the world around them in quick glances. We are always in such a hurry to get from point A to point B in our lives that we often miss the small details that makes life so special. Photography forces one to notice these things.

Things like the way the morning or late afternoon sunlight plays on an object, textures, contrasts, relationships of one thing to another in the visual area all become very important in capturing an image in an expressive way.

Once in a lifetime!!!
The moment I saw this Key Deer ( a dwarf version of the white tail deer) about to drink my heart skipped a beat. It is often difficult to get a photo of this deer in a natural setting because of urbanizationon on the small Florida key it calls home. Luckily, a tree blocked me from view so I was able to take this picture at ground level. This photo was taken with a pentax 300mm 4.5 EDIF lens.