Photos by "A.Sabetta"
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Some of my favorite Photographs...
These are images that I captured over the last 6 years.All the images shown were acquired using a Pentax Camera system-either a Pz1p or Pz70.

Atlantic Puffin
Puffin's are clown faced birds of the cold Northern waters. This bird was photographed from a wildlife blind on Machias Seal Island, Canada
Green Heron
The Green Heron is a small bird that is a common resident of Florida marshes in the winter. Through out the summer months it can be seen across much of the Eastern half of the USA
Saw-Whet Owl
This Saw-whet owl was one of 7 owls in a small stand of evergreen trees at a state park in Connecticut. I watched these owls for hours and took many pictures. Saw-whet owls are only about 6-8" high!
Burrowing owl
The burrowing owl is a small,unique owl found in parts of southern USA.It is unique because it nests in the ground , excavating burrows or taking over other animal burrows. This one was photographed in a residential area of Florida
Digitally enhanced shoreline
Adobe Photoshop is a very useful tool for exploring artistic manipulation of photos. There area a series of "filters" you can apply to a digital image to alter it in fun ways. Photoshop is also useful for "touching up" that photo that was not quite perfect.
Leopard Frog
Terrarium staged. Sometimes a small amphibian or insect is difficult tophotograph well in the wild, A small terrarium make a great temporary stage to photograph on. Releasing the animal asap and unharmed is extremely important though.
This normally shy and secretive bird of Florida becomes very vocal during mating season. Often it is heard but not seen. It's call is not what most would call melodious! It is also a rare bird due to its diet-snails!