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Boghopper's Site

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Cape Cod photos

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Photo Exhibit One..

Baby Boghopper...

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Now that Baby Boghopper has arrived, I have been going crazy as heck trying to catch up on things that needed catching up on.

Lattest projects would have to be taking some digital images with our new Digital 8 camcorder( these are a necessity if you are expecting a baby boghopper.)
You can see some of the photos I have taken with it if you go to the Discus Photo galleries.

Working on the old homestead has taken up alot of free time, not leaving much time for the Camera. That is the bad news, the good is that I have been going thru all my slides late at night and scanning them into digital format. I hope to be able to archive them all on CDs by year end. This is good for me, and translates down to my web viewers as well.

It is a tremendous amount of work, but once I have the digital images- uploading to the website is a snap. By the way- I have to give credit where credit is due.. Nikon coolscanIII-excellent slide scanner that does negatives also. Adobe Photoshop V6.0- has agreat time saver feature- Save the file specifically optimized for the WEB. It works great!!

What's the next trip?
Going to try and take some bird photos over the fourth of July Holiday. I have set up a bunch of bird houses in my yard, all have residents-including Carolin Wren, Black-capped-chickadee,tufted titmouse, and several sparrows. Also going to take a road trip with the Mrs. and baby boghopper to a couple of state parks.


Archived memory from this past summer.